Monday 9 April 2007

Crack the whip

Just realised today that who I thought was my shift leader was in fact just a stand in! My real shift leader seems a bit of company man. Let me give you a few examples. We had nothing to fix this afternoon. Absolutely nothing at all. So everyone is sitting about doing bugger all. I ask if I can pop down to the bank a few doors down. But of cause this is out of work, strictly speaking. He says OK and as I walk toward the gate, "J" decides to join me as there is nothing else better to do. The shift leader catches us walking together and demands to know why he is going with me to the bank... He would rather "J" stay at work and do nothing than join me on a short walk to the bank...

Another incident was when I went into the technical library to look up some part numbers. It was very packed in there and every terminal was occupied with people either looking up how to carry out maintenance procedures or finding part numbers. After a few minutes the shift leader walks in and glares at all of us and quips, "so that's why no one is working out on the plane, you are all hiding in here!"

Then this other time "J" and I were asked to aid another engineer "M" with a job. After about 1 hr of starting work "J" and I had to go get some parts from the materials office. While waiting for the part to be handed to us I get a phone call. I pick up and this voice asks " Are you in the canteen? Why aren't you helping "M"? I thought I told you to help him, why is he working on his own?" Great... naturally assume if we aren't to be seen we are slacking off in the canteen. And a little later on during the same task "J" goes off for a smoke as "M" is engaged in a job which only needs 1 person to do and till its done we cant progress the job. So while "J" smokes a fag I got for a bottle of water from the restroom fridge. Which is literally a 1 min walk away. When i come back out to the hanger I see the shift leader question "M" why we were not working...

There are plenty more examples but i think I'll spare you. Either way its reached the point its really starting to annoy me. Its like if you aren't see not be working you are slacking. Even if you work hard skip your breaks to get the job done and then take a long break he will start having a go. ARRRGGHHHH so annoying.

But on the plus side the company has paid me for a full month despite the fact i was on holiday for a good 3/4 of it :p They didn't even touch my leave! There are perks for working in such a disorganised place:)


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