Friday 30 March 2007

If you dont want a delay...

Was at work on the plane. In 1st class. 1 of my colleagues (A) was using the 1st class seat tables to finalise the paper work as the plane sat next to the departure terminal. (A) had picked up on a task that had mistakenly been tought off as being carried out. And was busy arranging getting it done. One of the 1st class stewards who had been on the plane since we pulled up to the terminal noted how long we were with the paper work and commented to (A) "Rate you are going you might as well join us for the flight to London."

(A) responded," Actually I am off to London this morning!"
"On this Plane?" the Steward cheerfully responded.
"you must be joking" (A) said, "I'm flying with Airline XXX, I'm not stupid enough to fly with this lot and get delayed!"

At that point (A) noticed that they had begun boarding the 1st class passengers and 1 of them was seated the whole while opposite him. And needless to say was looking a lil worried with (A)'s comments...

True enough, due to the previously mentioned missed job the flight was delayed 5hours LOL!!!

Monday 26 March 2007

1st post

YAY! My wifey has finished my blog. In less than 1 night!!! Anyway this will be the spot for my lame ass life at the mo. Guessin most of it will be composed to similar goings on of my previous night at work.

As some of you may know i work for an unnamed aircraft maintenance company in the middle east. Last night was a typical one. We were told not to expect much work when we got in for night shift as only 1 plane had been scheduled, with a few minor tests and inspections. Turns out that particular aircraft also had rudder actuator problems, damaged windscreen and broken floorboards!!! And as usual management in their glory said, oh and since you got a quiet night, fix these other 2 planes!!! But TBH most of the jobs on them were simple enough, just there weren't enough jobs to go round for everyone, so every1 was draggin the jobs out.

Unfortunately the job i got was frustrating to say the least. Change a seat pocket spring. Sounds simple. Anything but. 1st looked thru the parts catalogue for a part number. Found out the individual parts of a seat are not listed on the aircraft parts catalogue but in the seat makers catalogue and we don't have that, the airline does. So i go off to get the part from the airline. Nice Arab chap gives me the part number. i walk to stores get the part out, then try to fit it. but it wont fit. The guy gave me the part for a biz class seat when i told him economy... grrrr. went back to the airline again. But this time everyone on the office had gone!!! So much for 24hr service! In the end it got deferred... like most jobs here. All that took close to 3hrs. And at the end of that 3hrs nothing was achieved. Rest of the jobs i was thrown i discovered that halfway thru the jobs I found out they were already carried out!!! Yet more wastes of time...

All i can say is thank God its my last day(night really) on shift n have 4 days off now. Bumped into my old shift as i headed out. Feels good seeing the few familiar faces that have remained after the previous few months mass exodus. I would have joined had i not been so under qualified:(