Monday 16 April 2007

Incompetent f00s

A while back the decision was made to cut costs by getting rid of the more expensive European trained mechanics and replace them with cheaper Asian mechanics. In the short term a great saving as instantly costs are slashed. But its now several months into it all and here is an example of the slightly long term results.

I was given the task of carrying out servicing on #2 engine. I got on with my tasks but with no great urgency. Why break your back when there is no appreciation? So I plodded on, listening to my MP3 player as I worked, n chilled out as I worked. Then if "J" needed a hand I helped out, if he wanted to go for a fag, I thought y not, if he got a bit peckish we headed out to lunch. Again no great urgency just plodding on. Also went to the office to wrap up some admin work regarding my contract. Which took a lil longer than expected, more on this later. So anyway, my day was spent working at a leisurely pace. I would say I was away from my engine as much as I was at my engine. Roll on close to the end of shift and, my certifyer came to me and asked me if I had completed all the tasks on my engine. As usual , yeah, was the answer. All work carried out and paper work completed and signed up, ready for his clearing. So imagine my shock when he told me i was the only engineer to finish all my tasks. And all of the 4 engines had the same work load!!! And those other mechanics had been pretty much chained to their engines all day... what on earth were they all doing??!!??

Anyway, back to the incident at the office. I handed back my insurance forms and did a quick run thru with the secretary to make sure I had it all filled in right and that I had signed everywhere that needed to be signed. Once it was all OK-ed I left. Only to be called up by the secretary who tells me I hadn't signed the front page. So much for getting her to check it in my presence. She then tells me she needs a copy of my CV. I tell her but surely you have that from my job application?Which she insists she doesn't, so i should get one to her ASAP. Also she needs a copy of my certs. I ask her what certs, she says she doesn't know what certs, she just needs my certs... any certs. How much more vague can you be... maybe I'll pass her my swimming certs. So when i head back and sign the missing bit on the insurance form, as she refiles the form, she exclaims, "OH! I don't need your CV I have a copy here... " And where did she find my CV... in my personal file... (rolls eyes) of all the places eh?.

These are just some of the people I have to work with on a daily basis...


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