Tuesday 8 April 2008


Looooaaadsssaaa mmmoney!!! MMMMMMmmmm, fat stack of 20s. The smell is so addictive. No matter what currency it is, cold hard cash always smells great. And not just cos of all the coke and other drugs stuck to it. I've always wondered what it would be like to get my hands on 1 of those fat wads of cash u keep seeing in movies and shows. You know the ones, be it stuffed in a gym bag or neatly arranged in a black briefcase. Now I have had just a small taste of what it feels like.

But as is the universal truth with money. It always goes alot faster than it comes. And once I get back to the UK, pay up for my A320 course,my living expenses, the insane cost of driving my car, etc. I will be left with the more common sum of fuck all. Yup my big fat wedge of cash will be gone. Boo! Well just hope the A320 course is indeed the investment many claim it to be and will net me even more beautiful stacks of notes.


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