Friday 6 April 2012


Been a long time. Alot happened since then. And majority of the "alot" was what put me off writing. And like most things in my life once I get put off it, it takes me forever to get back into it again. So what has brought me back here, shouting into the void yet again? Typing words no one will probably ever read? I dunno, I really don't. I could go into probable reasons but that's all they are, probabilities.

Just feeling life is starting to take on a very 2D feeling. Its either work or home. I do try to break it up with a vacation but that's about it. Don't get me wrong I appreciate my time at home alot. I actually prefer time at home, opposed to actually venturing to my current outside world. Not that it's dangerous or anything. But the whole country I'm in now is just pretty "meh".

Getting tired of the same old cycles really. Wishing to do more, be more productive but never really being. I guess its something that sparked during my time in Japan. I miss those days of seeing something new, experiencing something new, achieving something, going somewhere, doing stuff. From Morning to night. OK it was a lil intensive after a while and not something I would want to pull off for weeks on end but just some of that intensity spread evenly over a week would be good.

Trouble is right now there is a torrent in my head wanting to spill out onto my post but that would just make one long incoherent raving post. I guess its best tackled an issue at a time. And that would be a task for another day.

As to what happened to the missing 2 years that too is a story for another time.


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