Tuesday 3 February 2009

The run around

Old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. With that in mind, this is how the company I work for describes themselves.

I came into work one morning to be instantly told that I had to drive to another airport to work. Whilst better than being asked to go home, it was till a pain. I mean why could they not just tell me a day or 2 in advance and save me a totally pointless 1.5hr, 130KM drive.

But I aint got it too bad when you consider "A" & "J" just came back to resume their contracts only to be told; but we weren't expecting you till next week. The company sent their agency an email 2 days before they left the UK, stating not to commence their contract till a week later. Of cause by then it was too late. Notice was far too little to change seat dates and inform all parties involved. So the company expects them to go to their rented housing and sit n wait for a week to pass. No pay or compensation for time lost. An extra week they could have spent at home with loved ones wasted. Thankfully in the end they agreed to start the contract date as previously agreed. But it was certainly getting blood out of a stone for that to happen.

Then there is what happened to "E". He had come in for a night shift. Part way thru that night they told him to go home as he had to work day shift at that other airport. So he goes off home, arriving home late that night. Do you think he is able to get a decent rest before the 6am alarm sounds?

Then most reciently, today. Working at the other airport on day shift. At 6pm I get a call TELLING me to get my arse in to my usual airport base to work night shift; which starts at 7:30pm. And when I flatly refuse the voice on the end of the phone sounds upset and shocked. And then proceeds to TELL me again to work. Like I didn't understand the 1st time. Work essentially a 24hr shift, for these cunts? Don't think so. I've done shifts close to 30hrs before but that was with people I respected and loved working with. Funny part to this particular tale is "E" refused to come in as he didn't fancy a 24hr shift and the only engineer due to work that night called in sick. So now they are stuck with a full force of mechanics but no one to direct them.

This place really has to learn to stop treating people like crap and thinking about others for a change. Its amazing how much extra you can get out of some one if you are just a lil polite and think about them when you make a decision.


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