Wednesday 14 January 2009

Sell out

The other half went thru it not long ago. Now its my turn. And much like her, its not the first time. Because of my chosen professional path, inevitably people have a certain image in their minds of what I do and the life I lead. There are of cause varying degrees of their projected flights of fancy but they usually have a very common under tone.

There is the usual image of being a lazy waster. The idea that we are there to cream the money and do as little as possible to get it. There are always the masses that become blind as a bat when we are running round like blue arsed flies. But become sharp as hawks when there is nothing to do and we are doing bugger all standing by.

Also hand in hand with this one with the above is,we get paid loads so there fore we should do most of the work. We get paid loads for a reason. Usually the company has insufficient man power or expertise and needs an instant fully trained work force. Factor in the reality that we get no OT pay, no public holidays, no annual leave, no sick leave, no pension, no medical, no insurance, no staff perks and to cap it all you can legally be told tomorrow your are out of a job... Not to even mentioned that our life is on a totally different continent. There is a reason at my age I can count my friends on 1 hand. I see my friends once a year, usually for only a few days. Be lucky if it's longer than a week. Don't forget same goes for family... Can you imagine only seeing those you care about for just a few days a year? Also your life... your car, your house, your belongings, everything that makes up your life, you will hardly ever see. Along with the ever present knowledge your employer need not give you more than a few days unemployment notice, you have to be forever ready to fit what little of a life you have left into whatever suitcase is at hand and leave the country. If you had a monetary figure you could place on all the listed terms and conditions, what would it be? I know for those who could assign a sum of money to it, it would probably be a figure close to what we get. I say close, cos in all honesty it should be higher. Your employers are basically asking you to put your life on hold for your working life, for most people that would be a good 10- 20 years. Surely the money must reflect that sacrifice.

For many thou a sum cannot be placed to such a sacrifice. And as such they have chosen their lot in life as have I. Like with all things is life, we are given consciousness and free will. Anyone can do what I do. It is not required to be privileged or special to do my job. All that is required is a choice to do so. There is nothing wrong with being envious. I get how people become envious of my earnings. It is the same feeling I get when I see them meeting up with friends after work, visiting the folks at weekends or even taking time out to work on the house or buy the latest home gadgets, taking a nice drive in their new car. But I have learnt to be content with my lot in life. I just wish others would learn that lesson too.

If only people thought about and considered the above points. They would be able to hear themselves when they say " but you earn so much, losing that amount is nothing compared to how much you earn" Basically saying to me, "your life, your family, your friends, the house you worked so hard on,everything you know, it's not worth as much as you think it is." Anyone reading able to see how its a bit of a slap in the face? I really hope you do, cos I am getting sick of hearing it.


Blogger The Pig said...

It's common that Asians think the way they do, for my parents had tried to infuse me with similar mindset. A stable job, a car, a flat, get married and have children, retire and that's life.
Doing what you do is completely alien, for they do not feel safe enough to jump onto that bandwagon. On the other hand they chose to see only one side of the coin, ignoring the sacrifices you've made. Jealousy is the only option available as they could not imagine themselves taking your path.
So the next time they say that in your face, instead of getting cheesed off, pity them, for they live in their own cocoon, and there's where they'd be till their last breathe.

14 January 2009 at 21:27  

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