Friday 5 December 2008

Time off

Well been 6 days since I was last working. Initially had grand plans to tour the country. Go places I have never been before. Experience new sights and sounds. Guess for those that know me, I didn't really get very far. Not to say I didn't get out at all. Visited a forest reserve near me but that was about it as far as touring went. Can't blame the Xbox cos it died (again) long before my days off started.

But that is not to say it wasn't an enjoyable and productive 6 days. Managed to get alot of things done around the home. Fixed the kitchen taps, toilet cistern, the patio & kitchen lights, the hallway emergency lights. Sand down and varnish the knife holder. Set up the home network and port forwarding settings. Install Norton & clean up on all 3 laptops. Weed the garden. Buy and setup a printer. Transfer cash to mums account in the UK. Change my bank statement delivery address. Set up a new handphone line. Repair the parquet flooring. Repair Wifeys shoes.

Also started doing cooking again. Realised precisely how out of practice I am on it all. Spent a good deal of time just relaxing around at home. Was nice to simply be able to take time out and enjoy the home.

Had a call today telling me I had actually passed the local aviation law exam. Meaning I can actually hold the local engineer's license in addition to my European license. Was pretty stunned as even thou I studied hard initially. I soon got bored and didn't touch the books for over a month. Then 2 days before the exam I tired to study but I was either too tired from work or just had no interest. Even during the exam I totally balls-ed up the written paper by messing up 2 of the 4 questions.

Would like to believe I am a total genius but honestly I feel still that the government set exam papers here are a total sham. As I know of several people who have a good track record of passing exams, studying like hell and failing. Ton the flip side. I also know of several people like me, doing jack but still passing. Its all down to your luck on which batch of papers you are put in. Either the pass tray or the fail tray. I spoke to 1 of the guys who took the exams with me. He had an insider in the examination body who informed him, he had infact passed despite being sent a letter of failure.

But hey, what am I complaining about. I got thru. Won't have to fork out more money on a retake. And having the local license clears up alot of headaches that arise with me working on the back of my European license. Smiles all round.


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