Monday 21 April 2008


Finished Mass effect. Hell of an ending. Well done Bioware. So now I'm left with no games to complete. Well strictly there are but I've played them to death and as such can't be bothered with that final tiny step to finish. So just going back over fun pick up n play games like COD4.

Got a solid job offer back in blighty. Shame... was hoping for a solid offer from other places. As with the UK the pay is never brilliant and once you factor tax into it, never seems worth it anymore. Plus SHE who shall not be named dwells in that forsaken land. Urrrgh.

Which reminds me, I'll be heading back there in a weeks time. Man all cos of 1 person I ain't really looking forward 2 it. Plus wifey is off home 2moro night. Man that 1 really crept up on us both. I should be snoozing now getting rested for 2moro's inevitable craziness that will precede her flight. But for some reason I just don't feel like sleeping.

Maybe its cos of 2 things that have made my night a lil more interesting than usual. 1st was the fact that the material planner dude on my shift actually went to Kingston uni. More precisely he was in my class! He was there on the exact course and class and duration I was. And we never knew till today after a casual chit chat. He even remembers Sleepy and a few others. He claimed he would have placed my face quicker if I had more hair... Yes i know, I'm gonna be bald soon. Just a matter of time till I break out the BIC. Anyhows, LOL really a small world.

Speaking of small world, the 2nd item. My ummm, how shall I put it...ummm, biggest fan?!? Blogged about me. Saying he saw me down the high street. And basically stalked me to see if it indeed was me. And from the vague look of it it was me but wat confirmed it for him was the way I walked, and carried my bag and shifted my weight. And the nail in the coffin was the choice of girlfriend I had draped over my arm. As quoted from his blog "those sweet, young, Asian things". Yup. must be me. OH NO WAIT. I just remembered I'm on the opposite side of the planet. DUH... Man talk about manifestations of the mind. But tis just creepy the way he spoke about those lil things like how I walked and shifted my weight n carried a bag. I mean jeez, just how much of me has he been paying attention to? I mean guys might remember wat beer ya like or maybe your fave sports team. And if they r very excpetional or very close friends, your birthday. But any guy that remembers those lil tiny things, just ain't right man, just ain't right. Urrrrgh just creeps me out thinking bout it.


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