Friday 15 August 2008

Subarashii Crash-O!!!

Now that I am out of the land of sand I can safely make the following statement.I have never had a single accident/prang/scrape/crash while at the wheel out there. There I said it. Cos you know how it is. If I said that even on my final day out there it would be SERIOUSLY tempting fate. Thou needless to say my car has had some damage. But all done to the vehicle while it was parked up and I was away from it. Like the fateful scrape that led me to becoming good friends with that charming American chap. Also sustained some stranger bumper damage and a scratched hood, but all done when i was no where to be seen.

Anyway nuff rambling bout pap. Here is the meat of the post. My grand collection of car smashes taken during my time out there. The locals sure have a talent there. SO many times I have look at those crashes n thought to myself "HOW??? HOW??? How is that even possible. I could have never even done that if I tried..." It almost makes you want to walk up to the driver, pat them on the back and say "Well done, well done"


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