Tuesday 10 July 2007

Selling your Soul

Lately I've been wondering why I bother turning up to work. In fact why do this job at all. The amount of grief I've (not just me) been taking over this past 2 or so months is really getting to me now. Thou I know that grief from a company is common and you will always get a level of it no matter where you work I'm pretty certain the levels I'm getting here are on a pretty exceptional level.

After reading a mail off another friend of mine, it really sparked me off thinking the above mentioned. Why Bother. I guess its down to the old evil of money. I'm a firm believer of the saying "money can't buy you happiness, but it can get you damn close" And despite what some people can say about this industry, the money is there to be made if you make the right moves. The past year of so of my life has shown me the blindingly obvious fact. Money solves alot of problems. But in chasing this cash, as with all things there is a cost. For me the cost is, having next to no contact with any family, even immediate family. Having no fixed home to go to. Having less friends than fingers on my hand. Being stuck in a boring hot dust bowl. Taking large levels of grief from work. Not knowing how long I will stay employed for. Not knowing where I will be next year or what I will be doing. The list could go on forever.

I envy some of my friends with predictable 9 to 5, Monday to Friday jobs. But deep inside I know if I were back in their shoes I would rather take the plunge and be as I am now. Just so I can go towards my ultimate goal, work like a bitch for the next decade of my life, cream the cash, find a nice corner of this planet to settle down and say up yours to the world and do whatever the hell I want to. And how much money would be considered enough to cover this loss of home, quality of life, friends, time and security? Is all this sacrifice really worth it?

I Bloody hope so, cos I'm probably a lil too far in to go backing out now.


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