Sunday 28 October 2007


Had this suspision for a long while now but its been confirmed. At work to my supervisors, "J" and me are seen as, I quote "the laziest pair of mechanics... ever worked with" TBH I think to a sliglty greater extent he means me. Just an impression I get by the way he talks to me and the jobs he gives me. Not really shitty jobs but the same mind numbing tasks every day. For the past 4 shifts or more I have always been put on the most basic boring job. And its the same job all the time. The kind of job given to an apprentice. But even an apprentice would move onto a different task after he had done it 2-3 times. As for me its every day of every shift.

Overall it doesn't really bother me but obviously a small part of me is a lil taken aback/offended by it. I mean, I've always taken pride in my work and done tasks to the best of my ability. And it shows as all my previous shift leaders have always entrusted me with jobs above my station. And none of them have ever bothered to check up on me or ask me what i am doing. Every time they just allocate me a zone of the aircraft to take care of and I never hear from them for the whole day! But since I moved to my current shift for some reason from day 1 I was viewed as a slacker by my shift leader. Evident by his constant phone calls made throughout the day demanding to know where I was and what i was doing. And from there it just went downhill. But I guess reciently my biting back at management over several unfair issues have added more black marks to my name in his books. Also my practical approach to life and work hasn't done any favours for me. To me if there is no aircraft in or if all the tasks for the aircraft are complete then I see no reason not to watch youtube, surf the net, watch anime or sleep. But to them I have to do something, be it washing stands or sweeping floors or rearranging the hanger. Not to say that if someone needed help with something I would not join them but I really dislike running from person to person asking if they need a hand, cos 90% the time they say no. I never go into hiding, I'm always at the same place, the computer room. So if my help is needed I'm easily found. But somehow that is not good enough...

It is taking a toll on me now thou, whether I knew about the comments or not. I remember when I 1st started working here I always worried what tasks would be given to be as my day started. Worried how difficult they might be or if I could cope. Everyday to some extent was a challenge and a learning experience. Now I all I feel when I head in to work is "how long will today drag" Really just given up caring at work anymore. Really has become "another day another dollar" Not a single bit of interest left.

I miss the way things were and the people I worked with. It always had a family atmosphere about it. Helping each other out, practical joking, shift lunches an coffee breaks together, "story time" with the more senior inspectors, etc. Simply put it was fun. But now everyday at work I just plug my earphones in and zone out till the shift is up.


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