Wednesday 30 January 2008

Move along now

In addition to thinking of my professional life. It links to my personal life. Hard to keep the 2 totally separate. Especially since the amount you earn directly dictates the lifestyle you can live. And in my case where I live! Being totally honest about it. I don't think I will ever reach a point where I can return to a familiar place I can refer to as home without confusion arising. Not in the next 10 years anyway. The confusion I speak of is as such. If i say to wifey, I'm gonna get my ebay purchases sent to our home. She thinks, which home? Home in the land of sand? Home in the UK? Or home elsewhere??? Then comes what troubles us both. We both would like a place we can call our own. A place we can customize to our tastes. Where she can get the furniture she wants to have. And I can construct the home entertainment & computer infrastructure I need. All without the worry that 6mths down the line we gotta pack all we own into a bag and leave the country cos my contract has ended and the next 1 is in some other part of the world.

Only way round it we can see is to have a lil of both. To have a place we own. Like a base. And whatever happens that will always be Home. And still continue contracting round the globe. Wherever work is. Still looking at various countries we could call home. And all needless to say have pros and cons. All have that grass is greener factor. Sad fact of life is I ain't getting any younger. Really gotta make my choice in the next 5 years. Preferable to be sooner than later. Which all leads me to think how much longer am I gonna be in this country? And if not here where? There is no real answer I can give to any of it now. Largely I am a victim of circumstance right now. But of cause as sail boats are not totally at the mercy of the winds neither am I to my circumstance.

For now I'll aim for the courses that can best secure my future. And from there see how life pans out. But in making those moves, it means moving out of my comfort zone. I've become accustomed to working a set work pattern. Doing a set number of hours every day. Having a set number of days off. Having in reality what is actually a very secure job. Shit thou it is. I've become used to the predictability of it all. And of cause have become comforted by it. But just carrying on is only gonna mean a lesser outlook in the future. I've always tried to live life by being happy that if given a 2nd chance I'd still do it the same. Largely I am happy to say I would. And If I'm gonna make the most of it all. I've gotta start shaking things up. Going thru the troubles of getting out there, making an effort and moving ahead. Time waits for no man. And thou it is nice to take it easy and chill every now and then. It is just as necessary to get up and move things along. Hell if I just wanted to take life easy n chill I should have just joined most of my school mates n stayed in my home town, gathering on street corners and pubs every evening. Going thru the same motions everyday for the rest of my life. I've made it this far. Shame to get comfortable and waste what could have been.


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