Wednesday 31 October 2007


Think I've mentioned before about our dodgy H.R. manager. I would grade him a lil above your average evil H.R. manager, a lil more slimy and slippery than the usal. And for a good while now all of us who signed the permanent contract here have been trying to pin him down on specifics regarding leave, public holidays and OT pay. As every time we have spoken to him, each of us is told a different story. Then when we go back and reconfirm the details with him, the goal posts move again and what ever was said last time infact was never mentioned! It was just a misinterpretation on our parts. Even all of us going in groups and confronting him has made no difference. The format was always the same. A smile and a hand shake. The affirmation he was there for our benefit. Light smattering of non-specifics. Good dollop of Bullshit, healthy portion of crap, finished off with a round of non-committing statements and management jargon. Before swiftly turning us all out.

This time round 1 of the guys decided to get the regional manager to accompany us to a meeting with Mr H.R. to observe and take notes of his responses. OMG it was a scene straight out of "The Office", watching Mr H.R. squirm under the regional managers glare as we asked the most simple of questions which he had always bullshitted us away with previously. This time most of his responses were full of ahhhh and ummmm, and hmmmmm, and mmmm. Basically he didn't answer a single question with specifics but assured us, well more the regional manager he had the answers but could not recall specifics thou he added the questions had already been addressed and were in documents, which are currently filed away. And he would get his sectary to find all relevant documents and call a later meeting with us all and all questions would be answered fully.

Needless to say the regional manager left the meeting very puzzled. Thou for all of us we were too busy trying to suppress our laughter. It was so funny seeing him sweat and squirm. Doing his best not to put his foot in it infront of the big boss. LOL, man I wish we did this sooner.


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