Thursday 9 October 2008

Whiny bitchin' scumbags

Was a nice quiet day, the Monday gone. Was told during the previous week, it would be busy come Monday. But the aircraft was delayed so I hadn't brought any notes to study or stuff to do. So I tried to mooch about the other aircraft present in the hanger. Try learn stuff on aircraft I don't normally work on. But after pestering a few certifiers it seemed like I was starting to get in their way. So I happily retreated online, added to my blog and did a number of other web based poop, cos there was nothing else better to do.

Now 3/4 the way thru the day my boss comes to me and abruptly demands I stop surfing the net and get of the computer. Later he drags me into the office and explains that some one complained to the BIG BIG boss (who reamed him out) directly about a contractor surfing the net all day long and not doing any work. As I was the only contractor around it pretty much meant me. I did tell people if I could help out just let me know. Jeez, if you are unhappy with me surfing the net then tell me so face to face instead of keeping ya stupid bickering mouth shut and bitch to the biggest boss you can find.

I've worked in places with this kinda of attitude before and it has made me leave and never return. I FUCKING hate places with people like that. Got me so worked up after it happened I spoke to wifey and talked seriously about leaving if it was gonna be like this again. That is how much I hate working in places with people like that. If there is work to be done I'll do it, if not I will make the most of my time as I so wish. Not pretending to work or hiding away in some corner of the hangar. If anyone finds they could do with a hand I would be more than glad to assist. But I ain't trekking about the place asking every swinging dick if they need some help with their jobs. You know where I am, come and ask if you need me. Writing this now I have firmly calmed down and know it would be silly leaving over 1 lil bitch. Just gotta accept that no matter where you work in the world slimy lil scumbags like that will always be present. Its just the number of them varies.


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